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Re: Parallel (MPI/OpenMP) simulation


Hi Alejandro,rnrn”””” refers to the file in the OpenLB main folder, since the whole library has to be compiled again for parallel execution. Important parts arernrnCXX := g++rn#CXX := icpc -D__aligned__=ignoredrn#CXX := mpiCCrn#CXX := mpic++rnrnPARALLEL_MODE := OFFrn#PARALLEL_MODE := MPIrn#PARALLEL_MODE := OMPrn#PARALLEL_MODE := HYBRIDrnrnHere you can chose the mode and compiler used by removing the “”#”” in the regarding lines. To clean the previous compiled library use make cleanbuild. To execute the program in parallel with mpi use mpirun as documented in the manual.rnrnBest regardsrnRobin