Re: Setting Boundary Values
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Setting Boundary Values › Re: Setting Boundary Values
Hi Sumit,
what values do you use for the pressure? For the velocity let me elaborate it with an example:
latticeU = 0.01
charU = 0.2
latticeL = 0.01
then applying:
CirclePoiseuille3D<T> poiseuilleU(superGeometry, 3, converter.getLatticeU(), converter.getLatticeL());
will give you the velocity:
charU * latticeL = 0.002
latticeU will result in charU, however some functions contain a scaling factor (here converter.getLatticeL()) that you have to consider. However if you want to omit this factor it defaults to 1. But maybe your problem is such a factor, see e.g.