Ali Fauze
Forum Replies Created
Ali FauzeParticipant
Hello Adrian,
Thank you for the response,
The geometry and material definition I modified the existing Aorta3D model and then I verified if the materials are correctly set in Paraview, And the same for the discretization and also I refined my model but I does remarked any significant change. Maybe if I can share with you a screenShot of the inlet, it will give you an idea.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards.Ali FauzeParticipantHello Adrian,
Thanks for your response, sure!
Fluid properties:
Density: 997 Kg/m3
Kinematic Viscosity 8.927e-7 m2/s
Inlet Velocity 1 m/s
Dynamics used –> SmagorinskyBGK
Resolution –> 25
DeltaX –> 0.004
deltaT –> 0.0004
Descriptor D3Q19
Inlet –> smooth start-up 1m/s velocity in (checked the velocity inlet in paraview) and InterpolatedVelocityBoundqry is used
Outlet –> InterpolatedPressureBoundqry is usedI am at your disposal for any further information.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards.Ali FauzeParticipantDear Dr. Mathias,
I appreciate your prompt response. After running the simulation with the Rayleigh-Bénard 3D example parameters, adjusting Ra and Pr values, I am pleased to report that the simulation did not diverge. However, the results obtained were unexpected. I observed the flow temperature and density both increased, contrary to the anticipated decrease in density. I attempted to fixe this issue by modifying the ThermalUnitConverter, and changing the physics model. Unfortunately, the simulation now diverges at the first time step.
Given that my ∆T is approximately 205°C, I am uncertain about the appropriate characteristics to assign to the ThermalUnitConverter at this temperature. Could you provide guidance on which temperature the characteristics shoud be assigned (Tmax or T0 …)?
Additionally, I would like to inquire if there is a recommended method for tracking convergence, like the transport equations used in RANS simulations.
Best regards,
AliAli FauzeParticipantHello mathias,
Thank you for your response. Does an ‘opening’ boundary exist in OpenLB to allow the flow to enter or exit freely?
AliAli FauzeParticipantDear community,
I resolved the problem using the functor IndicatorCircle3D.
AliAli FauzeParticipantFollowing is my PrepareGeometry function
void prepareGeometry(SuperGeometry<T,3>& superGeometry, ThermalUnitConverter<T, NSDESCRIPTOR, TDESCRIPTOR> &converter, IndicatorF3D <T> &indicator, STLreader <T> &stlReader)
OstreamManager clout (cout, “prepareGeometry”);
clout << “Prepare Geometrry ..” << endl;superGeometry.rename (0, 1, indicator);
superGeometry.rename (1, 2, stlReader);superGeometry.clean ();
Vector<T, 3> origini = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMinPhysR(1);
//origin[1] += converter.getConversionFactorLength() / 2.;
//origin[2] += converter.getConversionFactorLength() / 2.;Vector<T, 3> extendi = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMaxPhysR(1);
//extend[1] = extend[1] – origin[1] – converter.getConversionFactorLength()/2.;
//extend[2] = extend[2] – origin[2] – converter.getConversionFactorLength()/2.;
//IndicatorCuboid3D<T> inlet({-0.1, -0.1, 0.0}, {0.1,0.1,0.0});
extendi[0] = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMaxPhysR(1)[0];
extendi[1] = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMaxPhysR(1)[1];
extendi[2] = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMinPhysR(1)[2];//IndicatorCuboid3D<T> outlet({-0.1, -0.1, 10.0}, {0.1, 0.1, 10.0});
Vector<T, 3> origino = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMinPhysR(1);
origino[2] = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMaxPhysR(1)[2];
Vector<T, 3> extendo = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMaxPhysR(1);//IndicatorCuboid3D<T> heated_face({-0.1, -0.1, 0.0}, {-0.10, 0.1, 10.0});
Vector<T, 3> originh = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMinPhysR(1);
Vector<T, 3> extendh = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMaxPhysR(1);
extendh[0] = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMinPhysR(1)[0];clout << “inlet origin ” << origini << “inlet extend” << extendi
<< “outlet origin” << origino << “outlet extend” << extendo
<< “heated face origin” << originh << “heated face extend” << extendh
<< endl;
IndicatorCuboid3D<T> inlet(extendi, origini);
superGeometry.rename(2, 3, 1, inlet);
IndicatorCuboid3D<T> outlet(extendo, origino);
superGeometry.rename(2, 4, 1, outlet);
IndicatorCuboid3D<T> heated_face(extendh, originh);
superGeometry.rename(2, 5, 1, heated_face);superGeometry.clean ();
superGeometry.innerClean ();
superGeometry.checkForErrors ();superGeometry.print ();
clout << “Prepare Geometry … OK” << endl;
I would like also to put a part of my output but i’am blocked.Ali FauzeParticipantHello Adrian,
I have the same problem, but I verified my STL file using blender, and also in my output, the MinPhysR is equal to my min node, and the same for the MaxPhysR, and y PhysDeltaX=0.00125 m. And I tried to define my vectors manually, and then getting the statistics from the simulation. Then I tried also both definition of the IndicatorCuboid3D (olb::IndicatorCuboid3D< S >::IndicatorCuboid3D ( Vector< S, 3 > extend,Vector< S, 3 > origin ) and this one
olb::IndicatorCuboid3D< S >::IndicatorCuboid3D ( S xlength, S ylength, S zlength, Vector< S, 3 > center )) and always I have the same error.
Do you have any suggestion to fixe the problem?Best Regards
Ali -