The developer team is very happy to announce the release of the next version of OpenLB. The updated open-source Lattice Boltzmann (LB) code is now available for download.
The changes and new features are:
- Enhanced user experience for interfaces:
- Complete overhaul of the core data structure (population and field data)
- Improved boundary handling (better interface and easier extension possibilities)
- Overhaul of HLBM, now with updated momentum exchange algorithm and Kupershtokh forcing
- Additional multiphysics models:
- New mixed scale diffusivity turbulence model in 2D and 3D
- New phase field-based multi component model in 2D and 3D
- New total enthalpy-based melting and solification model in 2D and 3D
- Performance improvements in some workloads:
- New propagation pattern
- Communication improvements via reworked coupling routines using dynamic fields
- Average speed up of about 28% for the example cases
- New examples:
- turbulence/channel3d
- thermal/stefanMelting2d
- thermal/galliumMelting2d
- thermal/advectionDiffusion1d
- thermal/advectionDiffusion2d
- Minor improvements and developer notes:
- revision of example laminar/bstep2d
- all fields declared in the descriptor are now included in simulation snapshots
- fields may now use types different than the lattice’s floating point type
- new _dynamic fields_ allow using the field interface also for fields that are declared at runtime
- Knudsen number and refinement quality functors are now available in both 2D and 3D
- Compatibility tested on:
- OSX:
- macOS 10.13.6: Clang 10 (1000.10.44.4)
- Linux:
- Intel 18, 19, 19.1
- GCC 7.5, 8.2.1, 9.3, 10.2
- Clang 7
- Windows 10:
- Debian WSL: GCC 7.5, 8.2.1, 9.3
- OSX:
Intel MPI 2019 Update 5, OpenMPI 2.1.1 and higher
PS: Please consider joining the developer team by contributing your code. Together we can strengthen the LB community by sharing our research in an open and reproducible way! Feel free to contact us here.