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Reply To: add gravity leads to instability, bifurcation 3D, multiphase, particles

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics add gravity leads to instability, bifurcation 3D, multiphase, particles Reply To: add gravity leads to instability, bifurcation 3D, multiphase, particles

Manuel Berger

Hi Max,

thanks for the explanation. Thus, my implementation of gravity is correct. See you at the Spring School!

Now I have to find a way to make this simulation numerically stable. Any recommendations based on personal experience for boundaries? So far I made the experience that increasing the resolution N helps sometimes, but with the disadvantage that the computational time increases dramatically.

Boundaries for numerical stability would be interested for: (in brackets are the used values)

gravitational force in lattice units (0.0187673)
latticeRelaxationTime (0.557646)
maximum velocity in lattice units (0.0505667)
maybe lattice viscosity

What are the steps you do, do make a LB simulation numerically stable.

Thanks a lot!


  • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Manuel Berger.