Reply To: SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D()
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D() › Reply To: SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D()
Dear Stephan,
Thank you for your response. I have another doubt.I want to calculate the wall shear stress at the inlet and outlet of my 3D geometry.
I implemented this thing in the main:
SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> wss(sLattice, superGeometry, 3, converter, inflow1);
SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> wss1(sLattice, superGeometry, 3, converter, inflow2);
SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> wss2(sLattice, superGeometry, 4, converter, outflow_wall);
SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> wss3(sLattice, superGeometry, 4, converter, outflow_wall_2);
where inflow1, inflow2, outflow_wall and outflow_wall_2 are the indicator cuboids which I have used for the inlet and outflow.
In addition, I have implemented the functor (vtmWriter.addFunctor( wss)) for each of them in the get results.
But after the simulation, I am getting the wall shear stress value for the inlet flow only. If I comment the inflow region area, I do get the outflow wall shear stress value if I rerun the simulation.
Could you tell me, what I am doing wrong?
Thank you.