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Reply To: Issues with time averaged velocity field in turbulence model running in GPU

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Issues with time averaged velocity field in turbulence model running in GPU Reply To: Issues with time averaged velocity field in turbulence model running in GPU


Thanks for the report. The issue is that some places in OpenLB use non-standard runtime-defined C-style array sizes which do not work in all compilers. This will be fixed in the next release, until then you can replace lines 85 and 86 in src/functors/lattice/timeAveraged/superLatticeTimeAveraged3D.hh by e.g.:

      std::vector<BaseType<T>> tmp(_sFunctor.getTargetDim(), 0);
      _sFunctor(, i);