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Issues with time averaged velocity field in turbulence model running in GPU

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Issues with time averaged velocity field in turbulence model running in GPU

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  • #6853

    Hi everyone, I’m trying to run an OpenLB code to simulate a turbulent flow (using different turbulent dynamics), and I want to obtain the time averaged velocity field at the end of the simulation. For this case I’m using the squareCavity2d benchmark as a guide but only for the velocity field (it can be obtained the time averaged temperature field in this example also). The lines that I’m using are:

    This part is after the prepareLattice function call to define de instantaneous and time averaged velocity functors

    SuperVTMwriter3D<T> vtmWriter(“enclosedspace3d”);
    SuperLatticePhysVelocity3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> sVel(sLattice,converter);
    SuperLatticeTimeAveragedF3D<T> sAveragedVel(sVel);
    SuperLatticeTimeAveragedCrossCorrelationF3D<T> sAveragedVelVelCross(sVel,sVel);

    When the simulation converges the time averaged velocity field is computed and printed

    if ((converge.hasConverged() || iT == converter.getLatticeTime( maxPhysT )-1) && iT % statisticsIntervall == 0) {
    if ( sAveragedVel.getEnsembles() >= statisticsEnsembles ) {

    running with as the output console is (there is no compilation problem):

    make -C ../../../../external
    make[1]: se entra en el directorio ‘/home/jonathan/Documentos/Proyecto/OpenLB/olb-1.5r0/external’
    make -C zlib
    make[2]: se entra en el directorio ‘/home/jonathan/Documentos/Proyecto/OpenLB/olb-1.5r0/external/zlib’
    make[2]: No se hace nada para ‘all’.
    make[2]: se sale del directorio ‘/home/jonathan/Documentos/Proyecto/OpenLB/olb-1.5r0/external/zlib’
    cp zlib/build/libz.a lib/
    make -C tinyxml
    make[2]: se entra en el directorio ‘/home/jonathan/Documentos/Proyecto/OpenLB/olb-1.5r0/external/tinyxml’
    make[2]: No se hace nada para ‘all’.
    make[2]: se sale del directorio ‘/home/jonathan/Documentos/Proyecto/OpenLB/olb-1.5r0/external/tinyxml’
    cp tinyxml/build/libtinyxml.a lib/
    make[1]: se sale del directorio ‘/home/jonathan/Documentos/Proyecto/OpenLB/olb-1.5r0/external’
    mpic++ -DPARALLEL_MODE_MPI -O3 -Wall -march=native -mtune=native -std=c++17 -DPLATFORM_CPU_SISD -I../../../../src -I../../../../external/zlib -I../../../../external/tinyxml -c -o GPU-ESVcase01.o GPU-ESVcase01.cpp
    mpic++ GPU-ESVcase01.o -o GPU-ESVcase01 -L../../../../external/lib -lz -ltinyxml

    but running with as, there is an error:

    make -C ../../../../external
    make[1]: Entering directory ‘/home/jflorez/proyecto/olb-1.5r0/external’
    make -C zlib
    make[2]: Entering directory ‘/home/jflorez/proyecto/olb-1.5r0/external/zlib’
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for ‘all’.
    make[2]: Leaving directory ‘/home/jflorez/proyecto/olb-1.5r0/external/zlib’
    cp zlib/build/libz.a lib/
    make -C tinyxml
    make[2]: Entering directory ‘/home/jflorez/proyecto/olb-1.5r0/external/tinyxml’
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for ‘all’.
    make[2]: Leaving directory ‘/home/jflorez/proyecto/olb-1.5r0/external/tinyxml’
    cp tinyxml/build/libtinyxml.a lib/
    make[1]: Leaving directory ‘/home/jflorez/proyecto/olb-1.5r0/external’
    nvcc -O3 -std=c++17 –generate-code=arch=compute_75,code=[compute_75,sm_75] –extended-lambda –expt-relaxed-constexpr -x cu -Xcudafe “–diag_suppress=implicit_return_from_non_void_function –display_error_number –diag_suppress=20014 –diag_suppress=20011” -DPLATFORM_CPU_SISD -DPLATFORM_GPU_CUDA -I../../../../src -I../../../../external/zlib -I../../../../external/tinyxml -c -o GPU-ESVcase01.o GPU-ESVcase01.cpp
    ../../../../src/functors/lattice/timeAveraged/superLatticeTimeAveraged3D.hh(85): error: Internal Compiler Error (codegen): “variable length arrays are not supported!”

    make: *** [../../../../ GPU-ESVcase01.o] Error 2

    it seems that there is a problem with superLatticeTimeAveraged3D functor when the code is running in gpu.

    Thanks in advance for any help


    Thanks for the report. The issue is that some places in OpenLB use non-standard runtime-defined C-style array sizes which do not work in all compilers. This will be fixed in the next release, until then you can replace lines 85 and 86 in src/functors/lattice/timeAveraged/superLatticeTimeAveraged3D.hh by e.g.:

          std::vector<BaseType<T>> tmp(_sFunctor.getTargetDim(), 0);
          _sFunctor(, i);

    Thank you Adrian

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