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Reply To: New Particle Collision Model 0penLB 1.6


Dear Jijo,

I’m not sure what I’m seeing in the pictures. Are the particles passing through the wall or are they bouncing back off it?

If they are passing through it:
– Most likely the contact force is too low, perhaps because the Young’s modulus is too low.
– It could also be that the contact handling in your case is not configured correctly. To debug this, I suggest you check if contacts are detected in your case. If they are detected, then the particleContacts or wallContacts of the contactContainer (see should contain at least one object. You can add this check after coupleResolvedParticlesToLattice.

If they bounce and you’re wondering about the artifact:
If the “automatic” porosity reset doesn’t work for you, you can try to reset the fields manually with resetSuperParticleField (see before writing the VTKs.

Best regards,