Reply To: applying the force into Fluid in the openLB code not DEFINITION
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › applying the force into Fluid in the openLB code not DEFINITION › Reply To: applying the force into Fluid in the openLB code not DEFINITION
A Cell is a view of the “core data” (this is only the term I used to refer to the core data structures of OpenLB, not a distinct class).
The block lattice contains the data for all cells of the blocks. however, this data is not stored in Cell classes but in a column-structured data structure (again, of which the Cell is only a view).
Each cell (as in each spatial cell location) is assigned a Dynamics class that implements its model.
Cell-local data are fields that exist for each cell, e.g. population or a force field.
Block-local data are e.g. global parameters of the various dynamics and non-local operators (e.g. the relaxation time OMEGA).
The per-cell models are described using Dynamics in OpenLB. You only need to look at them to understand how e.g. a forcing scheme is applied. (there is also a section on Dynamics in the user guide).