Reply To: applying the force into Fluid in the openLB code not DEFINITION
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › applying the force into Fluid in the openLB code not DEFINITION › Reply To: applying the force into Fluid in the openLB code not DEFINITION
Thanks. I would like to understand OpenLB in depth.
Yes, I am looking at olb::Cell
I want to understand how to computeRho in olb::Cell
firstly would like to understand it with simply SISD. As I follow your code to compute rho, I come across “return getDynamics()->computeRho(self());” in cell.hh. And getDynamics defines
return this->_block.getDynamics(this->_iCell);
in cell.hh. In blockLattice.hh, I cannot follow getDynamics towords getting and computing Rho, and arriving at FieldArray or column now.
I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you please let me know?