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Reply To: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method)

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method) Reply To: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method)


Dear Fedor,

I understand that you want to add the periodicity vector (false,true) at the end of the ParticleManager, But if it is version 1.5 under “/ bifurcation3d eulerLagrange” in the particle set how to impose periodic boundary particles, because there is no ParticleManager, and I set also report an error like this:

auto materialperiodicBoundary = std::make_shared
< PeriodicBoundary3D<T, PARTICLE>
> (superGeometry, true, true, false);

Best regards,