Reply To: Cnojugated Heat Transfer
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Cnojugated Heat Transfer › Reply To: Cnojugated Heat Transfer
Hello OpenLB community,
I think the forum question he mentioned is this:
I’ve also recently been trying to simulate a conjugate heat transfer problem for solids and liquids using Openlb, and I need to set the thermophysical parameters for solids and liquids separately. In the version olb-1.3r0, everything works well when I use the following codes:
In the case ‘RayleighBenard2d’, I defined two AD dynamics, one for the fluid, one for the solid. Meanwhile, there are different omegas from different converters, so there have to be two converters as well.
Codes(here: 5 = fluid, 6 = solid):
ADlattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 5, &advectionDiffusionBulkDynamics);
ADlattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 6, &advectionDiffusionBulkDynamicsSolid);
AdvectionDiffusionBGKdynamics<T, TDESCRIPTOR> TbulkDynamics (
AdvectionDiffusionBGKdynamics<T, TDESCRIPTOR> TbulkDynamicsSolid (
But in newer versions(olb-1.5r0), the header files seem to have changed considerably, and these codes don’t work anymore. What is the new way to make this string of code functional and meet my needs (set the thermophysical parameters for solids and liquids separately) please.
I;m looking forward to your reply!
Best regards,