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Reply To: Regarding implementation fringe region technique in Cylinder2d code.

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Regarding implementation fringe region technique in Cylinder2d code. Reply To: Regarding implementation fringe region technique in Cylinder2d code.



You don´t need to add these includes into your setup. Just add into your setBoundaryValues function the following lines:

AnalyticalConst3D wantedVelocity(maxVelocityV[0],T(),T()); // the velocity that you want to take as reference for the fringe zone. The mass conservation must be held through that velocity.
Fringe3D fringeForceCoefficients(wantedVelocity, lz-10*ly/N, lz, 0., 0.008); //lz is the furter end of the fringe zone. lz-10*ly/N is the start point of the zone. 0 and 0.008 are the coefficients, you can look on their descriptions in the corresponding source files.
slattice.defineField(superGeometry, 5, fringeForceCoefficients); //here 5 is the Material Number of the fringe zone cells.

For MN 5 please take SmagorinskyLinearVelocityForcedBGKdynamics and add FORCE and V12 external fields into your descriptor.