Hi there,
first of all I’d like to mention that the level of activity in this community/forum is really great to see. I am completely new to LBM and OpenLB. Before coming to this forum, I have checked other software packages with very little to no activity or develepment in recent years. So I decided to learn and use OpenLB for my problem.
Now coming to the problem definiton:
I would like to perform a filling simulation of a fibrous microstructure meaning that due to a pressure gradient between inlet and outlet a resin (density somewhere around 1000 kg/m³) is entering the domain, fills the pore space between the fibers and pushes air out of the domain.
Also I am dealing with stokes flow so Re<<1. I would also like to account for contact angles at the fiber boundaries.
The geometry of the microstructure is available as a .dat file containing 0,1 and 2 values indicating pore space, fibers and fiber boundaries.
From what I know so far the Shan-Chen model is probably not suitable due to the high density ratio so I guess I have to go with Free Surface? Is there maybe a case that is similar to my setup? I tried to use the breakingDam3D.cpp as a template but since I am not experienced (yet) in OpenLB this is giving me a hard time to adapt it for my purposes. Could you maybe point me to some more examples from which I could use code snippets e.g. loading of the .dat file, boundary definition, etc?
Many thank in advance and best regards,