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AnalyticalLinear2D Functor Syntax Query

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics AnalyticalLinear2D Functor Syntax Query

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  • #5903

    Hello Developers,
    I have a question regarding the analyticallinear2D functor. I don’t understand how is the expression formed by passing the three parameters to the rho functor. What does each parameter represent?

    AnalyticalLinear2D<T,T> rho( -p0/lx*invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>(), 0, p0*invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>()+1 );

    Code snippet:

    template <typename T, typename S>
    AnalyticalLinear2D<T,S>::AnalyticalLinear2D(T a, T b, T c)
    : AnalyticalF2D<T,S>(1), _a(a), _b(b), _c(c)
    this->getName() = “linear”;

    I understand this might be a trivial question. I would really appreciate your help in this matter.

    Thank you.

    Yours sincerely,

    Abhijeet C.


    Hello Abhijeet,

    The three arguments are the coefficients of the desired linear function. This (and their particular role) can be seen in the implementation of the AnalyticalLinear2D<T,S>::operator() method (src/functors/analytical/analyticalF.hh::395):
    > output[0]=_a*x[0] + _b*x[1] + _c;

    Julius J.


    Hello Julius,
    Thank you for your prompt response. I understand it now.

    Thank you.

    Yours sincerely,

    Abhijeet C.

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