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backflow fault in the “Setadvectiondiffusionconvectionboundary”

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics backflow fault in the “Setadvectiondiffusionconvectionboundary”

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  • #5942

    Dear all,

    I am simulating the indoor thermal airflow field, and I coupled the two distributions. The air is entering the room from the top roof and exhausted at the downward. In the advection diffusion dynamics, these outlets were set as constant pressure outlet by “SetAdvectionDiffusionConvectionBoundary”. However, when there is a backflow on the outlet, the temperature will be increased sharply, which makes the simulation diverged. If you have used CFD software, you may know that there is a function to set the temperature of the outlets. However, I didn’t find similar one function in OpenLB. So is there any measures to solve this problem? You can find the attached image through the link. Thank you.

    the contour and vector of the velocity distribuion

    contour of the temperature

    Best Regards,


    The image links are

    Thank you.


    Temperature boundaries may be created using e.g. setAdvectionDiffusionTemperatureBoundary. Usage examples for this and alternatives are provided in e.g. thermal/porousPlate(2,3)d or thermal/squareCavity(2,3)d.

    If this doesn’t help we would need to more closely check your application code to exclude any other problems in the setup.

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