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Boundary Definition for Porous Media

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Boundary Definition for Porous Media

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  • #1723

    I have created random pack. I have voxelized the packed formation. Based on the previous forum discussion and cylinder3D example, I have defined the material (Porous voxel=0 (for dynamics), Solid bounday =1 (for bounce-back) and Solid Inside=2 (Non-Active Blocks)). I have prepared the file with Matlab and used fscanf function to import the data. I want to do steady state flow simulation only in x direction. I cannot figure out how to define boundaries. I think I need to define inlet and outlet boundaries with different materials (use material number 4 and 5). But I do not know how to define edges and corners. Do you have any suggestion? Thanks.rnrnrn


    Dear Asya,rnrn You will find out how the outomatic setting of boundary conditions work if you have a look in the example file “”cylinder3d””. You can modify this example in a way that you have several objects instead one cylinder in the fluid region. Like in the example you can use material no. 1 for pure fluid regions, 2 for the boundaries of the objects or the complete object 3 for the boundary of the tube, 4 for the inlet and 5 for the oulet.rnrnI hope that helps,rnJorn


    Hi everyone,rnrnIs there any code for fluid flow through porous medium? rnrnBest~


    is LB an efficient method to simulate combustion ?


    Hi,rnrnIn OpenLB there is a modell for pourous media implemented. Please look for “”porousBGK*”” in the foulder “”complexDynamics””. rnrnMathias

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