Hello everybody,rnrnI am using the cylinder3d example to run a simulation with periodic boundary conditions. I have changed the walls to bulk dynamics:rnrn /// Material=2 –>bounce backrn sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 2, &bulkDynamics);rn //sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 2, &instances::getBounceBack<T, DESCRIPTOR>());rnrnand turn on the periodic boundary conditions by adding this:rnrncuboidGeometry.setPeriodicity(false, true, true);rnrnIt seems it works, but the corners (vertices) of the box are still marked as “”walls”” with material 2, causing a little disturbing on the flow… Can anyone give me an idea to fix this and set the voxels of the corners as bulk?rnrnThanks!