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Compiling my code for porous media

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    HirnrnI am trying to compile my first code for a porous media for a hydrogen storage. But I am struggling to understand the following.rnrn1. From the manual they mentioned that openlb utilizes generic template based code from the given example are there any examples that focuses on porous media.rn2. The examples in the manual was explained in Listing 1 – 21, which part remain the same and which part to amend the code.rn3. When compiling (make) the source code does it have to be only done at the root directory of the openlb or do we have to also do it for every example. And when it come back with error messages how to resolve the problem.rnrnI will really appreciate any help I can get.rnrnRegardsrnSifiso


    Hi Sifiso,rnrndo you talking about a Darcy model or resolved porous media? As you have learnt correctly form the user guid we have a Darcy-based model which results in a non-linear Brinkmann equation (basically Navier-Stokes plus a Darcy homogenization term). rnrnYes, you are right. We have currently no exmaple in our current release. However, to set up one is quite simple. Copy one of our examples, like the channel or cylinder flow and apply the changes as mentioned in the user guide. You could e.g. set prorousity inhomogenous in the channel. rnrnMind that you need to work in “”generic”” mode.rnrnYou can then compile the example direct in the folder. The complete libary will be build automatically.rnrnBestrnMathias rn


    Dr MathiarnrnI have made some progress with the code but can you please assist me with the following.rnrnI am trying to solve the energy equation (Temperature) and momentum (fluid density and velocity). How can I use LB code to solve for equations mentioned. Does Openlb code solve energy balance at all. Could you please also refer me to published literature where openlb code was applied to solve energy balance.rnrnRegardsrnSifiso


    Hi Sifiso,rnrnHave a look at our examples thermal2d and thermal3d. rnrn/* rayleighBenard2d.cpp:rn * Rayleigh-Benard convection rolls in 2D, simulated withrn * the thermal LB model by Z. Guo e.a., between a hot plate atrn * the bottom and a cold plate at the top.rn */rnrnAnd google for the Guo paper.rnrnBestrnMathias

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