Dear everyone,
I am confused with the function ComputeNusselt() in squarecavity2d:
T computeNusselt(SuperGeometry2D<T>& superGeometry,
SuperLattice2D<T, NSDESCRIPTOR>& NSlattice,
SuperLattice2D<T, TDESCRIPTOR>& ADlattice)
int voxel = 0, material = 0;
T T_x = 0, T_xplus1 = 0, T_xplus2 = 0;
T q = 0;
for (int iC = 0; iC < NSlattice.getLoadBalancer().size(); iC++) {
int ny = NSlattice.getBlockLattice(iC).getNy();
int iX = 0;
for (int iY = 0; iY < ny; ++iY) {
material = superGeometry.getBlockGeometry(iC).getMaterial(iX,iY);
T_x = ADlattice.getBlockLattice(iC).get(iX,iY).computeRho();
T_xplus1 = ADlattice.getBlockLattice(iC).get(iX+1,iY).computeRho();
T_xplus2 = ADlattice.getBlockLattice(iC).get(iX+2,iY).computeRho();
if ( material == 2 ) {
q += (3.0*T_x – 4.0*T_xplus1 + 1.0*T_xplus2)/2.0*N;
singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(q, MPI_SUM);
singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(voxel, MPI_SUM);
return q / (T)voxel;
Why can the Nusselt number be computed by the density?Maybe I got it wrong.Anyway,I wonder if anyone can provide the formula or equation which the code is based on.It would mean a lot to me.Many thanks in advance!
Best Regards,