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Coupling method between NS and AD lattice

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Coupling method between NS and AD lattice

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  • #8566

    Dear Community,

    I want to ask that what is the difference between the “struct NavierStokesAdvectionDiffusionCoupling” in struct navierStokesAdvectionDiffusionCoupling.h file and the “class AdvectionDiffusionParticleCouplingGenerator3D” in AdvectionDiffusionParticleCouplingGenerator3D.h file?

    I check all the cases and find both coupling expresses. And could you tell me a common way of coupling force and velocity between NS lattice and AD lattice?

    Thank you!


    The struct is written in the operator-style and transparently supports GPU execution whereas the coupling generators are legacy code and only work on CPU.

    What do you want to model? There are different ways for coupling NSE and ADE lattices.


    I want to create a scene in which methane gas leaks into the air, NS lattice transmits the speed to AD lattice, and then transmits the buoyancy calculated by the concentration of AD lattice to NS lattice to complete the whole coupling process. Which coupling method do you think is more suitable for me?

    Thank you!


    As long as the gas concentration is rather small you can model it as a particle flow (see bifuraction example in OpenLB) with setting the drag force to zero but adjsuting the buoyancy force.

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