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D2Q9 lattice with force

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  • #1981


    I would like to know the original work of the code, related to D2Q9 lattice with force, quoted below. Is there any journal article to understand the following code?

    // Efficient specialization for D2Q9 lattice with force
    template<typename T>
    struct lbExternalHelpers<T, descriptors::ForcedD2Q9Descriptor> {

    static void addExternalForce(
    Cell<T,descriptors::ForcedD2Q9Descriptor>& cell,
    const T u[descriptors::ForcedD2Q9Descriptor<T>::d], T omega, T amplitude)
    static const int forceBeginsAt
    = descriptors::ForcedD2Q9Descriptor<T>::ExternalField::forceBeginsAt;
    T* force = cell.getExternal(forceBeginsAt);
    T mu = amplitude*((T)1-omega/(T)2);

    cell[0] += mu *(T)4/(T)3 *( force[0] * (- u[0] ) +
    force[1] * ( – u[1] ) );
    cell[1] += mu *(T)1/(T)12 *( force[0] * ( 2*u[0] – 3*u[1] – 1) +
    force[1] * (-3*u[0] + 2*u[1] + 1) );
    cell[2] += mu *(T)1/(T)3 *( force[0] * ( 2*u[0] – 1) +
    force[1] * ( – u[1] ) );
    cell[3] += mu *(T)1/(T)12 *( force[0] * ( 2*u[0] + 3*u[1] – 1) +
    force[1] * ( 3*u[0] + 2*u[1] – 1) );
    cell[4] += mu *(T)1/(T)3 *( force[0] * (- u[0] ) +
    force[1] * ( + 2*u[1] – 1) );
    cell[5] += mu *(T)1/(T)12 *( force[0] * ( 2*u[0] – 3*u[1] + 1) +
    force[1] * (-3*u[0] + 2*u[1] – 1) );
    cell[6] += mu *(T)1/(T)3 *( force[0] * ( 2*u[0] + 1) +
    force[1] * ( – u[1] ) );
    cell[7] += mu *(T)1/(T)12 *( force[0] * ( 2*u[0] + 3*u[1] + 1) +
    force[1] * ( 3*u[0] + 2*u[1] + 1) );
    cell[8] += mu *(T)1/(T)3 *( force[0] * (- u[0] ) +
    force[1] * ( + 2*u[1] + 1) );

    Thank you in advance.


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