Hello, everybody,
I am currently working with multiphase flows, more specifically with a rising droplet of a lighter fluid in a channel filled with a heavier one. What I am trying to do right now is to vary a few parameters and analyse how they affect the rising velocity. For that, I have generated the GIF images and used ImageJ and its plugin MtrackerJ to get the droplet position and and calculate its velocity for each frame – in my simulation, I get a frame every 100 time steps. Since for that as I have to include markers for every frame by myself, the results are not precise at all, so what I am looking forward right now is to extract/print the droplet center position and or velocity from the simulation. Is there an easy way to do it? Because I have already tried to print the droplet center position with the code itself and I was given repetitively the initial position. I am also working with Paraview and there is an option for me to visualize the droplet position/velocity, but I would have to extract them manually for each frame ( and each simulation is about 200 frames ). Is there any option in paraview that does it automatically?