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Density calculation error in Sourced AD BGK dynamics computeRhoU

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB Bug Reports Density calculation error in Sourced AD BGK dynamics computeRhoU

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  • #5087

    Dear Developers,

    I think I have found a small bug in the file src/dynamics/advectionDiffusionDynamics.hh for the class SourcedAdvectionDiffusionBGKdynamics in the function computeRhoU. The density is calculated as follows:

      this->_momenta.computeRhoU( cell, rho, u );
      const T* source = cell.template getFieldPointer<descriptors::SOURCE>();
      rho += 0.5 * source[0] * _omegaMod;

    In the function computeRho of the same class, the density is calculated as:

      const T* source = cell.template getFieldPointer<descriptors::SOURCE>();
      return this->_momenta.computeRho( cell ) + 0.5 * source[0];

    From what I have read, the density calculation of computeRho is correct, while in computeRhoU the density has a erroneous * _omegaMod term.

    Kind Regards,
    Julius Weinmiller

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Julius. Reason: Formatting code

    Hi Julius,

    thank you very much for identifying this. You are absolutely right. I changed our development version accordingly and the model will be fixed in the upcoming release.

    Kind Regards,

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