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divergence due to uniform inlet profile in square channel

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics divergence due to uniform inlet profile in square channel

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  • #1973

    Hi, I’m trying to simulate a body in a square channel and implemented a uniform inflow profile. However, at the corners the pressure rise causes the simulation to diverge.
    I’m using AnalyticalConst3D<T,T> u( maxVelocity[0] , T( 0 ), T( 0 ) ); to set the uniform velocity inlet.
    Is there a solution to overcome this problem so the simulation doesn’t diverge?
    thanks for the help.



    Hey, it looks like you have problems with your geometry setup (material number config). Why you want to use uniform velocity at the inflow (plug flow). See the cylinder3d example and use it as a starting Point.
    Best Marc

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