Hello, Alejandro,rnrnFirst of all, thank you so much for replying and I am sorry for taking long to reply you back, I did not have a look at the forum in the last days. Concerning the problem, in the example “”Cylinder2d””, we have a channel in which there is a flow and a round obstacle/circle/cylinder. The idea was to use two different lattices, as in the example “”Multicomponent2d””. In the first one, I would keep the properties of the original fluid and set the material of the obstacle as a second fluid of density zero; in the second one, the obstacle – which now behaves as a fluid – would receive a different density and the original fluid, zero. I am not sure if that would work but as far as I understood I would have a drop of a second fluid in the main flow ( which is no really the original idea of having a raising drop but also works for my research ). What do you think of that?rnrnBest,rnrnIvan