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External Dependencies Inclusion

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB Bug Reports External Dependencies Inclusion

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  • #8643

    Hello everyone,
    I tried to link OpenLB through my CMakeLists. Also if the library compiles and it is linked (I use QT as IDE, I can read olb headers from my main.cpp) I am not able to link the external dependencies for OpenLB files. Does anyone support the correct inclusion of OpenLB in CMakeLists file?

    Thank you in advance


    OpenLB is an almost entirely header-only framework due to its heavy use of template metaprogramming. You should be able to include the external dependencies (zlib, tinyxml) straight from Cmake, they only need to be available in the include path and linked.
    The biggest issue will be to build the core library (mostly MPI wrappers and some other standard utilities) in CMake.

    A student of mine worked on CMake support a couple of months back and did not encounter any issues, the reason why we did not include this work in the release is that it partially duplicated the entire existing build system.


    Dear Adrian,
    thank you for your feedback! I will check the correct linking of dependencies.

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