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Fluctuation on thermal field with curved boundaries

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Fluctuation on thermal field with curved boundaries

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  • #5447

    Dear all,

    In my case I have a rotating cylinder. I am using the Advection Diffusion Boundary Condition to impose a temperature. Unfortunately, I have fluctuations of my temperature field near the wall which are not physical.

    Is there a solution to reduce them ?

    Thanks in advance


    Which values are used for the boundary values? Analytical ones at the surface of off the surface (in the volume)? I would you the values off-surface at thir exact positions. What happens if yoiu refine the mesh?


    For the boundary values I used converter.getLatticeTemperature(298.0). At the surface, depending on the configuration of cells, I found between 296.5 and 300 at the fluid cells. And some points of the boundary, those which are more exposed to the fluid due to the stairway shape, have a value of 302. Sorry I did not understand your third sentence. If I refine the mesh, it reduce the fluctuations but they are still there.


    Since they get smaller with finer meshes it seems that the staircase approximation is the reason. You can set a function instead of a constant value at the bounderies depending on there exact position if you have an analytical solution. Then, the fluctuations should be gone.


    Thank you for the advice.

    One thing I still don’t understand is how, whereas I fix a constant value to the boundary, some boundary point could be at another value (302 instead of 298). Since we create output with SuperLatticePhysTemperature3D which call this->_blockLattice.get( input[0], input[1], input[2]).computeRho(), we should always have the value that is fixed inside the Momenta, am I right ?


    You can create a functor which depends on the exact position and gives you the values (e.g. 300, 302 or whatever) and use it to define the boundary condition. Similarly a quadratic inflow profile is used for a pipe.

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