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gas-solid two-phase flow simulation on OpenLB

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics gas-solid two-phase flow simulation on OpenLB

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  • #1842

    Hello everyone!rnI do the research on soot accumulation on porous structure, so i want to use OpenLB to simulate the gas-solid two-phase flow on porous structure,but i don’t know which class template on OpenLB can realize it. Can anyone tell me which class template should i use and how should i use it to realize the simulation about gas-solid two-phase flow?rnThank you very much!rnSincerely,rnBenjamin.


    Hello Benjamin,rnrnyou can orientate yourself to the bifurcation example for two-phase flow. Depending on which approach you use (Euler-Euler or Euler-Lagrange), choose the appropriate one.rnIf the information to your porous structure is contained in your geometry description (e.g. as stl-file), you can choose the material boundary for that domain.rnIf you want to model the porosity structure with a porous media model, use the PorousD3Q19Descriptor. More information about that you find in the User Guide.rnrnBest regards!

    Quote from mlm on July 4, 2016, 09:20rnHello Benjamin,rnrnyou can orientate yourself to the bifurcation example for two-phase flow. Depending on which approach you use (Euler-Euler or Euler-Lagrange), choose the appropriate one.rnIf the information to your porous structure is contained in your geometry description (e.g. as stl-file), you can choose the material boundary for that domain.rnIf you want to model the porosity structure with a porous media model, use the PorousD3Q19Descriptor. More information about that you find in the User Guide.rnrnBest regards!

    rnrnrnThank you! I will have a try.

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