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Hardware requirements and L/D analysis…

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Hardware requirements and L/D analysis…

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  • #1709

    Hello,rnrnI am looking for a CFD code suitable for the analysis and oprimization (drag, lift and lift/drag) of T-hydrofoils e.g. by means of winglets.rnrnThe hydrofoils have a span of about 1m and chord of about 0,1m and operate in the range of Re = 250.000 to 2.000.000.rnrnQuestions:rnrn1. The flow pattern is partially laminar, partially turbulent – can this be simulated? (I think that’s inherent in the LB approach)rnrn2. Can you give me an indication, what hardware would be required to run 3D simulations on such a hydrofoil? (as LB is supposed to have high hardware requirements)rnrn3. Does OpenLB support GPUs to speed things up?rnrn4. Does OpenLB support mixed precision or quasi double precision computing on GPUs? (there has been research in those fields at the KIT related to CFD showing significant performance improvements leveraging half or single precision performance of GPUs)rnrnKlausrnrn


    Hello Klaus,rnrnhere my quick answers:rn1/ You might need to implement a turbulent model which we have done and might put in the next release.rn2/ That depents on the actual problem (geometry, Re-number, inflow-/outflow conditions, etc.) But usually a cluster. I do simulations on 32 to up to several 1000 cores.rn3/ OpenLB does currently not work on GPUs.rn4/ You can easily change the basic data type in OpenLB.rnrnMathiasrn

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