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How can I set constant pressure boundary condition at outlet?

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics How can I set constant pressure boundary condition at outlet?

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    In CFD simulations, constant pressure boundary conditions are widely used at outlet, but I notice that there is only “defineU” function but no “defineP” function in class superLattice. How can I set the pressure boundary condition by analogy with the velocity boundary condition?


    Hello Louise,

    if you want to define some not zero pressure at the pressure boundary you have to transorm it into the needed lattice density. The functor ist densityFromPressure( latticePressure ) and set that value on the pressure boundary. In LBM the pressure is deviation of the calculated density to the predefined constant fluid density, so you need to work with densities if you want to change pressure.


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