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I cannot run cylinder2d example?!

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics I cannot run cylinder2d example?!

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  • #1870


    I tried to run the cylinder2d example but the compilation seems to have failed.

    I use Ubuntu 14.04 and have all prerequisites installed.

    First, I ran make clean, make cleanbuild, make j4 in the maindirectory

    Second, changed to the examples/cylinder2d directory and run again make clean, make cleanbuild, make j4

    The terminal output shows a lot of “for the target compile nothing to do”

    — Entering src/particles/forces (compile)
    make[2]: Verzeichnis »/home/klaus/olb-1.0r0/src/particles/forces« wird betreten
    make[2]: Für das Ziel »compile« ist nichts zu tun.
    make[2]: Verzeichnis »/home/klaus/olb-1.0r0/src/particles/forces« wird verlassen
    — Leaving src/particles/forces (compile)

    There’s no binary so the compilation must have failed?!

    How can I fix that?



    Dear Klaus,

    just run “make” instead of “make j4” and it will work.



    Hi, I have the same problem i wrote: “make cilinder3d.exe” and it says: “make: *** No rule to make target ‘cylinder3d.exe’. Stop”… I don’t know how to run the example.. I need some very dummies explanation please.. I am very new on this.. Thanks

    Markus Mohrhard

    Hello Luis,

    please just call make and if that still produces an error paste your command and the error message.



    Hi, this is what appear when I try to run.. I don’t know if I am not giving the correct command

    Luis Angel Aviles M@LuisAngel ~/olb-1.2r0/examples/cylinder2d
    $ gcc ./cylinder2d.cpp
    In file included from ./cylinder2d.cpp:41:0:
    ./olb2D.h:1:33: fatal error: boundary/boundary2D.h: No such file or directory
    #include <boundary/boundary2D.h>
    compilation terminated.

    Luis Angel Aviles M@LuisAngel ~/olb-1.2r0/examples/cylinder2d

    When I just write make it appear:

    Luis Angel Aviles M@LuisAngel ~/olb-1.2r0/examples/cylinder2d
    $ make
    make: *** /home/: Is a directory. Stop.

    I am inside of the folde cylinder2d..

    Markus Mohrhard

    Hello Luis,

    Can you provide the output of pwd, cat Makefile and cat ~/olb-1.2r0/ ?


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