I tried to run the cylinder2d example but the compilation seems to have failed.
I use Ubuntu 14.04 and have all prerequisites installed.
First, I ran make clean, make cleanbuild, make j4 in the maindirectory
Second, changed to the examples/cylinder2d directory and run again make clean, make cleanbuild, make j4
The terminal output shows a lot of “for the target compile nothing to do”
— Entering src/particles/forces (compile)
make[2]: Verzeichnis »/home/klaus/olb-1.0r0/src/particles/forces« wird betreten
make[2]: Für das Ziel »compile« ist nichts zu tun.
make[2]: Verzeichnis »/home/klaus/olb-1.0r0/src/particles/forces« wird verlassen
— Leaving src/particles/forces (compile)
There’s no binary so the compilation must have failed?!
How can I fix that?