Dear All,rnrnI have run one of the example file. But I cannot get the image. I faced with following error.rnrn[ImageWriter] Error: ImageMagick resize command failedrnrnThe version of the program I used is +ImageMagick- How can I fix the problem? Thanks.
Dear sanbar1,rnrn Is image Magick working correctly? You can check that by “”convert -resize ‘sizeX’ ‘sizeY’ ‘fileName’.ppm ‘fName’.gif”” replacing ‘..’ by your own choice. Which system are you using? Check the names of the directories you are using. Then, also check what the function “”system”” (cf. returns one your system and if necessary change the code in “”imageWriter.hh””.rnrnKind regardsrnJo
Dear Jo,rnrnSorry for late reply. Since I was away from school, I did not have opportunity to look. I have checked the system. The return value is 0. Also, I have put some values for sizeX and sizeY. I have faced with same error. I am using x86_64-redhat-linux. Do you have any idea what is wrong. Thanks.
Dear Sanbar1,rnrn Please, check first if mageMagick is working fine on your system by entering “”convert -resize ‘sizeX’ ‘sizeY’ ‘fileName’.ppm ‘fName’.gif”” on your command line replacing ‘..’ by your own choices. rnrnJo
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