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Implementation of a phase transition model

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Implementation of a phase transition model

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  • #1766
    N. Lümmen

    I would like to implement a certain phase transition model (single-component) into OpenLB for studying bubble formation in liquids. I have some experience in programming in C++ (and other languages) but I am new to the Lattice Boltzmann method and the concept of template classes that OpenLB uses. rnI have taken a look at the documentation, examples and source code provided with OpenLB and studied some of the basic literature (the books of Succi and Sukop/Thorne) as well as some articles from the past years on this subject. However, OpenLB still looks quite complex to me and I do not have a good idea yet on how to get started with implementing something new other than trying to take the code for the Shan-Chen-model as a starting point. rnIs there anyone here who likes to share some advice or experience on how to get started? Thanks a lot in advance!rnrnBest regards, Norbert Lümmen.


    Hi Norbert,rnrnIt is certainly a good idea to start with our Shan-Chen model example. You will find that extending the code is less difficult from that starting point.rnrnI will contact you by email for further advice.rnrnBest regardsrnMathias


    hi Norbert,rn I suggest that you should read the articles listed here, especially Hydrodynamic limit of lattice Boltzmann equations, the dissertation of J. Latt, if you wanna learn the basic theory of LBM used in OPNELB, or you found some equations incomprehensible, cos J. Latt started this program with a quiet different understanding of LBM. And you can refer to Advances in Complex Systems(B. Chopard, P. Luthi, A. Masselot, et, 103(2002)), where the derivation of equation in J. Latt’s dissertation comes. And It’s much easier for you to understand the equation , comparing to J. Latt’s.rn About the code, I suggest IDE debug to understand the control flow and code structure, cos C++ code based on object orientation is really hard to trace manually. I use Eclipse under Linux.rnrnBest wishes.

    N. Lümmen

    Hi,rnrnthanks a lot to both of you for your feedback and advice. I will take a look at Jonas’s thesis and Mathias already took contact with me. Unfortunately I do not have access to the article in Advances in Complex Systems. Would be great if someone could send it to me by email.rnWith regard to an IDE I have used NetBeans while trying some examples on 2D convection and ParaView for visualization of temperature and flow field. My working environment is a quadcore i7 with Ubuntu 14.rnrnBest regards, Norbert Lümmen.


    Ok, please give me your e-mail address. And about the suggestion of Mathias, could you send me a copy? My email address is

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