Dear kolotinsky,
this is an bug under mac. It will be fixed in version 1.3. Please see the following code snipple what you have to change:
— a/src/io/gnuplotHeatMapWriter.hh
+++ b/src/io/gnuplotHeatMapWriter.hh
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void writeHeatMapPlotFile(detailParam<T>& param) {
fout << “} else {“;
fout << “set terminal png ” << “size ” << 1920 << “,” << 1080 << “font \”,25\”” << “\n”;
fout << “set output ‘”<< param.pngPath << “‘”<< “\n”;
– fout << “}”;
+ fout << “}” << “\n”;
fout << “set pm3d map” << “\n”;
fout << “unset key” << “\n”;
fout << “set size ratio -1” << “\n”;
Best Marc