Hi all,
I’m just starting out and studying the Lettice Boltzmann method. However, as I was researching, a few questions came to my mind.
What I’m curious about is the velocity, the viscosity coefficient, Reynolds.
For air in general (Temperature = 293K)
density = 1.2 [kg/m^3]
kinematic viscosity = 1.825 * e^-5 [kg/ms]
Reynolds number = ((density*U*L)/kinematic viscosity) [-]
Lattice Boltzmann Method
C_s (speed of sound)
C_s = (1/sprt(3))*((delta X)/(delta t))
dynamic viscosity = c_s^2 *(relaxation_time – ((delta t) / 2)) <<< (Chapman Enskog eq)
I saw the contents. Which of the first and second is suitable for the Lattice Boltzmann Method?