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LBM-DEM Coupling Using Partially saturated cells method

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics LBM-DEM Coupling Using Partially saturated cells method

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  • #5077
    Christopher Cheung

    Dear all,

    At present, I find that the coupling of openlb and DEM is based on unresolved approach. So I wonder how to implement lbm-dem coupling in openlb using Partially saturated method (proposed by [1]), which is one of the resolved fluid-solid methods.

    Best regards,

    [1] D. R. Noble and J. R. Torczynski. A Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Partially Saturated
    Computational Cells. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 09(08):1189–1201, 1998


    Dear Chris,

    the coupling of openlb and DEM does not exclude the usage of partially saturated methods (PSM) as proposed by [1]. In fact, in [2] we compared different fluid-solid interface approaches to study the Galilean invariance for vortex-induced vibrations with OpenLB including different PSM approaches. A collision, based on a weighting of the collision operators according to [1], can be included into your code by using the PSMBGKdynamics in the latest release of OpenLB (v1.3 – 1).

    Best regards,

    [1] D. R. Noble and J. R. Torczynski. A Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Partially Saturated
    Computational Cells. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 09(08):1189–1201, 1998
    [2] M. Haussmann et al. Galilean invariance study on different lattice Boltzmann fluid-solid interface approaches for vortex-induced vibrations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2020

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nicolas. Reason: Adding Link
    Christopher Cheung

    Dear Nicolas,

    I’m very thankful for your words and support. This will be of great help to my research.

    Best regards,

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