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Missing dimension in c_u calcuation D3Q7

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB Bug Reports Missing dimension in c_u calcuation D3Q7

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  • #4786

    Hello developers,

    I think I have encountered a bug in OpenLB v1.3
    In the dynamics/lbHelpersD3Q7.h file, in the function equilibrium the c_u is calculated as follows:
    T c_u = descriptors::c<L>(iPop,0)*u[0] + descriptors::c<L>(iPop,1)*u[1];

    The third dimension is missing in that calculation. It should be as in the below function equilibriumFirstOrder:
    T c_u = descriptors::c<L>(iPop,0) * u[0] + descriptors::c<L>(iPop,1) * u[1] + descriptors::c<L>(iPop,2) * u[2];

    The D3Q7 is usually used in combination with AD dynamics, which call the equilibriumFirstOrder for calculating the equilibrium. However, the AdvectionDiffusionMRTdynamics class does call the function equilibrium with the bug.


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Julius. Reason: Add code tag to AdvectionDiffusionMRTdynamics

    Dear Julius,

    That is indeed a bug! Tanks for reporting. It has been corrected and will be included in the next release. I checkt, BGK and RLB are fine. They are not calling the wrong eq.function and, therefore, the examples are fine, too.


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