Hi,rnrnI’m not a great expert in paralellism, so I’m having some problems using the MPI option in OpenLB makefile.rnrnWhen I run a “”make all”” to build the libs, I get some errors like:rnrn
icpc -D__aligned__=ignored -DPARALLEL_MODE_MPI -DOLB_PRECOMPILED -O3 -Wall -I../../src -I../../src/external -I../../src/external/cvmlcpp -I../../src/external/boost -I../../src/external/kaffpa -c serializerIO.cpp -o ../../build/precompiled/obj/serializerIO.orn../../src/complexGrids/mpiManager/mpiManager.h(29): catastrophic error: cannot open source file “”mpi.h””rn #include “”mpi.h””rn ^rnrncompilation aborted for serializerIO.cpp (code 4)rnmake[1]: *** [../../build/precompiled/obj/serializerIO.o] Error 4rnmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bitz/Documents/IC/Pacotes/olb-0.7r1/src/io’rn– Leaving src/io (compile)rn
rnrnWich packages should I install in my system to get the MPI to work (if it’s really the lack of some package)?rnrnI’m running Ubuntu 12.04 64bits, so repositories packages are welcomed.rnrnThanks,rnHenrique.