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Problem about the Cylinder2D code in Laminar Example.

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Problem about the Cylinder2D code in Laminar Example.

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  • #8644

    Dear OpenLB team,
    Actually I got a paper which did The investigation was aimed at determining the efficacy of a model at Reynolds No. 20 using single relaxation time (SRT) known as LBGK and BGK-Smagorinsky model for Re =20. But when I see the Cylinder2D code I cannot see the option to use the BGK-Smagorinsky model in the OpenLB code. Please tell me how can I incorporate the BGK-Smagorinsky model in the Cylinder2D code. Please help.

    Thank you


    You can exchange the local cell models (“Dynamics”) by adapting the “defineDynamics” calls and defining the necessary parameters. Check out e.g. the nozzle 3D case for an example where various LES models are used.

    Checking out the basic OpenLB Introduction lessons in the user guide may also be of interest to you.


    Thank you for your reply. I have seen the nozzle3d problem, here some things that I found:
    // Choose your turbulent model of choice
    //#define USE_RLB
    #define USE_SMAGORINSKY //default
    //#define USE_KRAUSE

    using DESCRIPTOR = D3Q19<AV_SHEAR>;
    using DESCRIPTOR = D3Q19<>;
    and the other part in the “void prepareLattice”. Should I have to change the Cylinder2D code like this? Other tha the “Dynamics”, do I need to change any other part of the code ? Please tell me.

    Thank you


    See my answer in your dedicated thread.

    (Please do not post the same question multiple times)

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