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Problem on Simulation on increasing the Reynolds Number more than 100.

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on Lattice Boltzmann Methods General Topics Problem on Simulation on increasing the Reynolds Number more than 100.

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  • #8618

    Dear OpenLB team,
    I am facing a problem on the example Cylinder3D, which is a laminar flow model with Re no. 20. But for my work I need to test the model with Reynolds number more than 1000. But as I increase the Reynolds number more than 100 the simulation model breaks down in Paraview and so please tell me that what do I need to change in the code so that I can run the code with Reynolds number 1000, 3000 or 5000 or more.

    Do I need to change the whole code or I need to change any parameters? Please help.

    Thank you


    Dear atanuchaudhury,

    thank you for posting.
    To increase the Reynolds number and still get stable results, please consider the standard literature on LBM, e.g. the book by Krüger et al. (
    Basic techniques for this are choosing suitable discretization parameters with experimental stability bounds or using turbulence models as well as advanced collision operators.

    We cannot offer full support on debugging your complete application.
    You might want to consider taking part in our upcoming spring school for this.
    More information is given here:


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