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Problem with MPI execution an LBM algorithm

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Problem with MPI execution an LBM algorithm

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    Hello everybody,rnrnI am using now OpenLB and I am complete new to C++ and the LBM so I got two questions:rnrn1. when i try to perfom a parallel execution with mpiexec -np 4 ./cylinder3d , the same programm is four times running serial on four different nodes wich is very unnecessary. How do i fix that? rnrn2. The same example cylinder3d: after serial execution the main file says i have 252nx nodes and 43 nodes for the y- and z- direction. Where do these values come from? when i look in “”blockGeometry.cpp”” i find a “”setNx()”” and “”getNx()”” but when i set Nx/Ny/Nz in the main programm I only move the domain and do not refine the solution. for a higher solution of 252x43x43 I get an error “”segmentation fault””rnrnI would be very thankfull for any help.rnrnbest rnpatrick


    Hi Patrick,rnrn1. Did you change the compiler flags in “”””? There should be PARALLEL_MODE := MPI and the compiler changed to your parallel one.rn2. They come from the voxilization in “”, 0u, 250);””. Here, 250 indicated the resolution in 0u, i.e. x-direction.rnrnJo


    Hey Jo,rnrn1. Yeah I changed this flag before but still multiple execution and seriel compuatitonrn2. Oh man that is awkward… I overlooked this the whole time.rnrnThanks a lot rnPatrick


    Dear Patrick,rnrn1. Did you recompile the code by 1. “”make cleanbuild””, 2. “”make clean”” and 3. “”make””? Can you use mpirun instead mpiexec? Did you measure the execution times?rnrnJo


    Hallo Jo,rnrnyes I performed those three steps but still no correct execution. When I clean the build and subsequent compile the code new I am not even able to compile the cylinder3D.cpp since multiple MPI_Request errors appear.rnrnthanks for your helprnrnbest rnpatrick


    Dear Patrick,rnrn Please download release 1 of 0.7 if you have not done yet. Further, please send the you are using to . I am using gcc 4.4.3 and openmpi and just tested this example which was working fine.rnrnMathias


    Problem solved:rnrnthe compiler for mpi execution had to be changed. Instead ofrnrnCXX = mpiCCrnit shopuld be changed tornCXX = mpic++rnrnthanks to everybody for the helprnrnbest patrick

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