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Question regarding Element Number or Grid Number

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Question regarding Element Number or Grid Number

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  • #8736

    As in Ansys we can find the Element number or Grid number directly but I didn’t find any such thing in OpenLB codes. Such as for Cylinder2D code I have estimated like this:
    Identify the grid resolution:

    The resolution N is defined as 200. The lattice length L is defined as 0.1/N.
    L = 0.1 / 200 = 0.0005
    The length of the domain in the x-direction (lengthX) is 2.2.
    The length of the domain in the y-direction (lengthY) is 2.0.
    The number of grid points in the x-direction Nx = lengthX / L.
    The number of grid points in the y-direction Ny = lengthY / L.
    So, Nx = 2.2 / 0.0005 = 4400
    Ny = 2 / 0.0005 = 4000
    Total Grid Points = Nx * Ny = 4400 * 4000 = 17,600,000

    Is it correct? Please help.


    The number of cells (grouped by material) is printed by the geometry statistics in the output of each case. e.g. for the default N=10 the number of fluid cells is:

    [SuperGeometryStatistics2D] materialNumber=1; count=8901; minPhysR=(0.01,0.01); maxPhysR=(2.19,0.41)

    I am getting these output:
    —————– UnitConverter information —————–
    — Parameters:
    Resolution: N= 200
    Lattice velocity: latticeU= 0.02
    Lattice relaxation frequency: omega= 1.78571
    Lattice relaxation time: tau= 0.56
    Characteristical length(m): charL= 0.1
    Characteristical speed(m/s): charU= 0.2
    Phys. kinematic viscosity(m^2/s): charNu= 0.0001
    Phys. density(kg/m^d): charRho= 997
    Characteristical pressure(N/m^2): charPressure= 0
    Mach number: machNumber= 0.034641
    Reynolds number: reynoldsNumber= 200
    Knudsen number: knudsenNumber= 0.000173205

    — Conversion factors:
    Voxel length(m): physDeltaX= 0.0005
    Time step(s): physDeltaT= 5e-05
    Velocity factor(m/s): physVelocity= 10
    Density factor(kg/m^3): physDensity= 997
    Mass factor(kg): physMass= 1.24625e-07
    Viscosity factor(m^2/s): physViscosity= 0.005
    Force factor(N): physForce= 0.024925
    Pressure factor(N/m^2): physPressure= 99700
    Can you please specify where I can find them?


    I am sorry but without at least an attempt to invest a minimum of effort on your own – in this case to simply look at the output of the example – I won’t answer any more of your very frequent and very basic questions.

    If you do not see the output you probably modified the example – again – without telling us this essential detail in your post (again).


    This is the code, the changes that I have made is adding Smagorinsky model, change in some parameters, put SetSlip boundary condition in upper and lower wall and made uniform flow velocity at inlet.

    #include “olb2D.h”
    #include “olb2D.hh”

    using namespace olb;
    using namespace olb::descriptors;
    using namespace olb::graphics;

    using DESCRIPTOR = D2Q9<>;

    /// Selectable bulk models in this case
    enum class BulkModel {

    /// Returns BulkModel from CLI argument
    BulkModel bulkModelFromString(std::string name) {
    if (name == “RLB”) {
    return BulkModel::RLB;
    if (name == “Smagorinsky”) {
    return BulkModel::Smagorinsky;
    if (name == “ShearSmagorinsky”) {
    return BulkModel::ShearSmagorinsky;
    if (name == “ConsistentStrainSmagorinsky”) {
    return BulkModel::ConsistentStrainSmagorinsky;
    if (name == “Krause”) {
    return BulkModel::Krause;
    throw std::runtime_error(name + ” is not a valid BulkModel”);

    #define BOUZIDI

    // Parameters for the simulation setup
    const int N = 200; // resolution of the model
    const T Re = 200.; // Reynolds number
    const T maxPhysT = 20; // max. simulation time in s, SI unit
    const T L = 0.1/N; // latticeL
    const T lengthX = 2.2;
    //const T lengthY = .41+L;
    //const T lengthY = 20 * 2 * radiusCylinder + L; // making the domain height to cylinder diameter ratio
    const T lengthY = 2.0+L;
    const T centerCylinderX = 0.2;
    //const T centerCylinderY = 0.2+L/2.;
    const T centerCylinderY = lengthY / 2; // centering the cylinder in the domain
    const T radiusCylinder = 0.05;

    // Stores geometry information in form of material numbers
    void prepareGeometry( UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& converter,
    SuperGeometry<T,2>& superGeometry,
    std::shared_ptr<IndicatorF2D<T>> circle)
    OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”prepareGeometry” );
    clout << “Prepare Geometry …” << std::endl;

    Vector<T,2> extend( lengthX,lengthY );
    Vector<T,2> origin;

    superGeometry.rename( 0,2 );

    superGeometry.rename( 2,1,{1,1} );

    // Set material number for inflow
    extend[0] = 2.*L;
    origin[0] = -L;
    IndicatorCuboid2D<T> inflow( extend, origin );
    superGeometry.rename( 2,3,1,inflow );
    // Set material number for outflow
    origin[0] = lengthX-L;
    IndicatorCuboid2D<T> outflow( extend, origin );
    superGeometry.rename( 2,4,1,outflow );
    // Set material number for cylinder
    superGeometry.rename( 1,5, circle );

    // Removes all not needed boundary voxels outside the surface


    clout << “Prepare Geometry … OK” << std::endl;

    // Set up the geometry of the simulation
    void prepareLattice( SuperLattice<T,DESCRIPTOR>& sLattice,
    UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& converter,
    SuperGeometry<T,2>& superGeometry,
    std::shared_ptr<IndicatorF2D<T>> circle, BulkModel bulkModel) //Changed
    OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”prepareLattice” );
    clout << “Prepare Lattice …” << std::endl;

    const T omega = converter.getLatticeRelaxationFrequency();

    // Material=1 –>bulk dynamics
    auto bulkIndicator = superGeometry.getMaterialIndicator({1});

    // Material=0 –>do nothing
    sLattice.defineDynamics<NoDynamics>(superGeometry, 0);

    // Material=1 –>bulk dynamics
    // Material=3 –>bulk dynamics (inflow)
    // Material=4 –>bulk dynamics (outflow)
    //auto bulkIndicator = superGeometry.getMaterialIndicator({1, 3, 4});
    switch (bulkModel) {
    case BulkModel::RLB:
    case BulkModel::ShearSmagorinsky:
    case BulkModel::Krause:
    case BulkModel::ConsistentStrainSmagorinsky:

    // Material=2 –>bounce back
    //setBounceBackBoundary(sLattice, superGeometry, 2);
    setSlipBoundary(sLattice, superGeometry, 2);

    // Setting of the boundary conditions

    //if boundary conditions are chosen to be local
    //setLocalVelocityBoundary(sLattice, omega, superGeometry, 3);
    //setLocalPressureBoundary(sLattice, omega, superGeometry, 4);

    //if boundary conditions are chosen to be interpolated
    setInterpolatedVelocityBoundary(sLattice, omega, superGeometry, 3);
    setInterpolatedPressureBoundary(sLattice, omega, superGeometry, 4);

    // Material=5 –>bouzidi / bounce back
    #ifdef BOUZIDI
    setBouzidiBoundary(sLattice, superGeometry, 5, *circle);
    setBounceBackBoundary(sLattice, superGeometry, 5);

    // Initial conditions
    AnalyticalConst2D<T,T> rhoF( 1 );
    std::vector<T> velocity( 2,T( 0 ) );
    AnalyticalConst2D<T,T> uF( velocity );

    // Initialize all values of distribution functions to their local equilibrium
    sLattice.defineRhoU( bulkIndicator, rhoF, uF );
    sLattice.iniEquilibrium( bulkIndicator, rhoF, uF );


    // Make the lattice ready for simulation

    clout << “Prepare Lattice … OK” << std::endl;

    // Generates a slowly increasing inflow for the first iTMaxStart timesteps
    void setBoundaryValues( SuperLattice<T, DESCRIPTOR>& sLattice,
    UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& converter, int iT,
    SuperGeometry<T,2>& superGeometry )

    OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”setBoundaryValues” );

    // No of time steps for smooth start-up
    int iTmaxStart = converter.getLatticeTime( maxPhysT*0.4 );
    //int iTupdate = 5;
    int iTupdate = 5;

    if ( iT%iTupdate==0 && iT<= iTmaxStart ) {
    // Smooth start curve, sinus
    // SinusStartScale<T,int> StartScale(iTmaxStart, T(1));

    // Smooth start curve, polynomial
    //PolynomialStartScale<T,T> StartScale( iTmaxStart, T( 1 ) );

    // // Creates and sets the Poiseuille inflow profile using functors
    // T iTvec[1] = {T( iT )};
    // T frac[1] = {};
    // StartScale( frac,iTvec );
    // T maxVelocity = converter.getCharLatticeVelocity()*3./2.*frac[0];
    // T distance2Wall = L/2.;
    // Poiseuille2D<T> poiseuilleU( superGeometry, 3, maxVelocity, distance2Wall );

    // sLattice.defineU( superGeometry, 3, poiseuilleU );

    // Creates and sets the uniform inflow profile
    Vector<T,2> inletVelocity(3.,0.) ;
    inletVelocity[0] = converter.getCharLatticeVelocity();
    AnalyticalConst<2,T,T> uniformVelocity(inletVelocity);

    //clout << “step=” << iT << “; maxVel=” << inletVelocity[0] << std::endl;



    // Computes the pressure drop between the voxels before and after the cylinder
    void getResults( SuperLattice<T, DESCRIPTOR>& sLattice,
    UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& converter, std::size_t iT,
    SuperGeometry<T,2>& superGeometry, util::Timer<T>& timer )
    OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”getResults” );

    // Gnuplot constructor (must be static!)
    // for real-time plotting: gplot(“name”, true) // experimental!
    static Gnuplot<T> gplot( “drag” );

    SuperVTMwriter2D<T> vtmWriter( “cylinder2d” );
    SuperLatticePhysVelocity2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> velocity( sLattice, converter );
    SuperLatticePhysPressure2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> pressure( sLattice, converter );
    SuperLatticeGeometry2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> materials( sLattice, superGeometry );
    SuperLatticeRefinementMetricKnudsen2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> quality( sLattice, converter);
    SuperRoundingF2D<T> roundedQuality ( quality, RoundingMode::NearestInteger);
    SuperDiscretizationF2D<T> discretization ( roundedQuality, 0., 2. );

    vtmWriter.addFunctor( materials );
    vtmWriter.addFunctor( quality );
    vtmWriter.addFunctor( velocity );
    vtmWriter.addFunctor( pressure );

    const int vtkIter = converter.getLatticeTime( .3 );
    const int statIter = converter.getLatticeTime( .1 );

    T point[2] = {};
    point[0] = centerCylinderX + 3*radiusCylinder;
    point[1] = centerCylinderY;
    AnalyticalFfromSuperF2D<T> intpolateP( pressure, true );
    T p;
    intpolateP( &p,point );

    if ( iT == 0 ) {
    // Writes the geometry, cuboid no. and rank no. as vti file for visualization
    SuperLatticeGeometry2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> geometry( sLattice, superGeometry );
    SuperLatticeCuboid2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> cuboid( sLattice );
    SuperLatticeRank2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> rank( sLattice );
    vtmWriter.write( geometry );
    vtmWriter.write( cuboid );
    vtmWriter.write( rank );


    if ( iT%statIter == 0 ) {

    // Timer console output
    timer.update( iT );

    // Lattice statistics console output
    sLattice.getStatistics().print( iT,converter.getPhysTime( iT ) );

    // Drag, lift, pressure drop
    AnalyticalFfromSuperF2D<T> intpolatePressure( pressure, true );
    SuperLatticePhysDrag2D<T,DESCRIPTOR> drag( sLattice, superGeometry, 5, converter );

    T point1[2] = {};
    T point2[2] = {};

    point1[0] = centerCylinderX – radiusCylinder;
    point1[1] = centerCylinderY;

    point2[0] = centerCylinderX + radiusCylinder;
    point2[1] = centerCylinderY;

    T p1, p2;
    intpolatePressure( &p1,point1 );
    intpolatePressure( &p2,point2 );

    clout << “pressure1=” << p1;
    clout << “; pressure2=” << p2;

    T pressureDrop = p1-p2;
    clout << “; pressureDrop=” << pressureDrop;

    int input[3] = {};
    T _drag[drag.getTargetDim()];
    drag( _drag,input );
    clout << “; drag=” << _drag[0] << “; lift=” << _drag[1] << std::endl;

    // set data for gnuplot: input={xValue, yValue(s), names (optional), position of key (optional)}
    gplot.setData( converter.getPhysTime( iT ), {_drag[0], 5.58}, {“drag(openLB)”, “drag(schaeferTurek)”}, “bottom right”, {‘l’,’l’} );

    // every (iT%vtkIter) write an png of the plot
    if ( iT%( vtkIter ) == 0 ) {
    // writes pngs: input={name of the files (optional), x range for the plot (optional)}
    gplot.writePNG( iT, maxPhysT );

    // Writes the vtk files
    if ( iT%vtkIter == 0 && iT > 0 ) {
    vtmWriter.write( iT );

    SuperEuklidNorm2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> normVel( velocity );
    BlockReduction2D2D<T> planeReduction( normVel, 600, BlockDataSyncMode::ReduceOnly );
    // write output as JPEG
    heatmap::write(planeReduction, iT);
    BlockReduction2D2D<T> planeReduction( discretization, 600, BlockDataSyncMode::ReduceOnly );
    heatmap::plotParam<T> jpeg_scale; = “quality”;
    jpeg_scale.colour = “blackbody”;
    heatmap::write( planeReduction, iT, jpeg_scale );

    // write pdf at last time step
    if ( iT == converter.getLatticeTime( maxPhysT )-1 ) {
    // writes pdf

    int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    // === 1st Step: Initialization ===
    olbInit( &argc, &argv );
    singleton::directories().setOutputDir( “./tmp/” );
    OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”main” );

    UnitConverterFromResolutionAndRelaxationTime<T, DESCRIPTOR> const converter(
    int {N}, // resolution: number of voxels per charPhysL
    (T) 0.560, // latticeRelaxationTime: relaxation time, have to be greater than 0.5!
    (T) 2.0*radiusCylinder, // charPhysLength: reference length of simulation geometry
    //(T) 0.1, // charPhysLength: reference length of simulation geometry
    (T) 0.2, // charPhysVelocity: maximal/highest expected velocity during simulation in __m / s__
    (T) 0.2*2.*radiusCylinder/Re, // physViscosity: physical kinematic viscosity in __m^2 / s__
    //(T) 0.00000179, // physViscosity: physical kinematic viscosity in __m^2 / s__
    //(T) 1.0 // physDensity: physical density in __kg / m^3__
    (T) 997.0 // physDensity: physical density in __kg / m^3__
    // Prints the converter log as console output
    // Writes the converter log in a file

    // === 2rd Step: Prepare Geometry ===
    Vector<T,2> extend( lengthX,lengthY );
    Vector<T,2> origin;
    IndicatorCuboid2D<T> cuboid( extend, origin );

    // Instantiation of a cuboidGeometry with weights
    const int noOfCuboids = singleton::mpi().getSize();
    const int noOfCuboids = 7;
    CuboidGeometry2D<T> cuboidGeometry( cuboid, L, noOfCuboids );

    // Instantiation of a loadBalancer
    HeuristicLoadBalancer<T> loadBalancer( cuboidGeometry );

    // Instantiation of a superGeometry
    SuperGeometry<T,2> superGeometry( cuboidGeometry, loadBalancer );

    Vector<T,2> center( centerCylinderX,centerCylinderY );
    std::shared_ptr<IndicatorF2D<T>> circle = std::make_shared<IndicatorCircle2D<T>>( center, radiusCylinder );

    prepareGeometry( converter, superGeometry, circle );

    // === 3rd Step: Prepare Lattice ===
    SuperLattice<T, DESCRIPTOR> sLattice( superGeometry );

    // Set the dynamics model to Smagorinsky
    BulkModel bulkModel = bulkModelFromString(“Smagorinsky”);

    //prepareLattice and set boundaryConditions
    prepareLattice( sLattice, converter, superGeometry, circle, bulkModel);

    // === 4th Step: Main Loop with Timer ===
    clout << “starting simulation…” << std::endl;
    util::Timer<T> timer( converter.getLatticeTime( maxPhysT ), superGeometry.getStatistics().getNvoxel() );

    for ( std::size_t iT = 0; iT < converter.getLatticeTime( maxPhysT ); ++iT ) {
    // === 5th Step: Definition of Initial and Boundary Conditions ===
    setBoundaryValues( sLattice, converter, iT, superGeometry );

    // === 6th Step: Collide and Stream Execution ===

    // === 7th Step: Computation and Output of the Results ===
    getResults( sLattice, converter, iT, superGeometry, timer );



    The output that I am getting are the VTK files, drag file and the info that I have provided before.

    Thank you


    Good, so the SuperGeometry::print call is still there which means that you did not read the output.

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