Dear OLB developers:
From the file “src/dynamics/powerLawBGKdynamics.hh” line 57 and 58:
T pre2 = pow(descriptors::invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>()/2.* omega0/rho,2.); // strain rate tensor prefactor
T gamma = sqrt(2.*pre2*PiNeqNormSqr(cell)); // shear rate
I was pretty confused about the determination of shear rate gamma from the strain rate vector pi. Do you have any reference about the prefactor pre2?
From the references you provided at the beginning of the script:
/** \file
* BGK Dynamics with adjusted omega — generic implementation.
* Strain rate similar to “J.Boyd, J. Buick and S.Green: A second-order accurate lattice Boltzmann non-Newtonian flow model”
* Power Law similar to “Huidan Yu, Sharath S. Girimaji, Li-Shi Luo – DNS and LES of decaying isotropic turbulence with and without frame rotation using lattice Boltzmann method”
I cannot see any formulation about this strain rate tensor prefactor.
Junwei Guo