I tried to change the size of the contour of Cylinder2D from the code like this:
// Parameters for the simulation setup
const int N = 200; // resolution of the model
const T Re = 200.; // Reynolds number
const T maxPhysT = 20; // max. simulation time in s, SI unit
const T L = 0.1/N; // latticeL
const T lengthX = 2.2;
//const T lengthY = .41+L;
const T lengthY = 20 * 2 * radiusCylinder + L; // making the domain height to cylinder diameter ratio
const T centerCylinderX = 0.2;
const T centerCylinderY = 0.2+L/2.;
const T radiusCylinder = 0.05;
But when I did the simulation in Paraview the size seems tobe same. Why is that? Is there any other thing I need to change in the code? Please help.