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retrieve data at specific points

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics retrieve data at specific points

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  • #4260

    Dear Admin,

    I am just wondering how to get the density at specific points?
    Currently, I tend to use the example “cylinder2d.cpp”.

    However, instead of manually entering all the points I am interested in, is there anyway to retrieve the coordinates of all locations with a specific material number? i.e.,

    AnalyticalFfromSuperLatticeF2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> intpolateDensity( density, true );
    T points_out = superGeometry.getCoordsFromMaterialNumber(5);
    T densities_out[points_out.size()]
    intpolateDensity( &densities_out,points_out );


    Is there any function that does “getCoordsFromMaterialNumber” does?


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by lollipopcorn.

    No, there isnt. For it, one would have to work with lattice Coordinates which are 4D in 3D applications due to the parallel data structure. We decided not to provide a function like this since it would result in very bad performce in the parallel case. Instead, we program static functors which will be relased with the next version. They might be of help for you.


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