Dear all,
I discovered LBM 4 months ago for my internship and after trying to implement it by myself, luckily I found OpenLB. I’ve been trying to understand LBM and OpenLB on my own, so maybe I misunderstood something…
I am trying to simulate two fluids of different viscosity, with an inflow with a set velocity and two passive outflows.
I use a ShanChen coupling between two lattices, with ForcedBGK dynamics and setLocalVelocity for the inflow: this works, but then the fluid accumulates and the density rises, so I want to add one or two passive outflows. I tried setLocalPressure, setInterpolatedPressure, setZouHePressure, setInterpolatedConvection… Nothing works, I get -nan for the density everywhere. Is what I am trying to do possible? Should I completely switch to the FreeEnergy dynamics, like in the microFluidics example? Should I update by hand the densities in the pressure boundaries at each time steps?
Thank you!