Hello everyone,
Using paraview for post-processing, the temperature isolines at the junction of different parallel cores are misaligned.
The temperature is solved as follows:
SuperVTMwriter3D<T> vtkWriter(“rayleighBenard3d”);
SuperLatticePhysVelocity3D<T, NSDESCRIPTOR> velocity(NSlattice, converter);
SuperLatticePhysPressure3D<T, NSDESCRIPTOR> presure(NSlattice, converter);
SuperLatticePhysTemperature3D<T, NSDESCRIPTOR, TDESCRIPTOR> temperature(ADlattice, converter);
vtkWriter.addFunctor( presure );
vtkWriter.addFunctor( velocity );
vtkWriter.addFunctor( temperature );
However,in single core operation, the temperature contour is normal.
I want to ask how to solve the problem of temperature isoline dislocation under multi-core.
Thank you very much.