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TGV3d-How to change resolution and number of iterations?

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on Lattice Boltzmann Methods General Topics TGV3d-How to change resolution and number of iterations?

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    I am a PhD working on LBM. I am working on a research paper and I want to perform simulations about TGV3d to included the results in my work.
    Would you please guide me:

    1. How to simply change the grid size in OpenLB? for instance I need 64^3, 512^3 and 1024^ for tgv3d.

    2. How to change the number of iterations.

    3. In OpenLB tgv3d.cpp file I can see an optoin to change the Re. Since Re is related to grid size as well. If I wanted to tune the Re by varying the lattcie viscosity, where to do it?

    thank you


    Most parameters are defined at the top of the file, e.g. the resolution N is defined in line 97.

    In any case you can change all parameters by modifying the source code, although you may want to read some parameters from a file / CLI argument to avoid recompilation. I suggest you check out our user guide for a basic introduction into OpenLB, this will help in adapting existing examples including tgv3d.


    Thank you Adrian for the prompt responsse. I really appreciate it. At line 97 if I change N to 64 and Re 800 it gives me resoulation N=20 when I check it in data.dat file after the execution, which does not make any sense to me. Yeah I did read the User Guide also the article ” OpenLB—OpensourcelatticeBoltzmanncode” but cant get any clue.
    In // Choose turbulence model or collision scheme section I uncommented #define WALE but cant find any info during compilation or after execution that Smagorinsky is activated and I am using that specific collision operator.
    Any guidence would be a great help.



    For beginners I strongly recomment the spring school. There will be one next year and the website will be updated soon!

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